Build a Lasting Impact with a Problem-Based Learning Approach Speakers: Fawn Nguyen and John Hoogestraat Sponsored by Amplify Registration coming soon! Saturday, November 2 Hatboro-Horsham High School AGENDA: 8:00–8:45 a.m.: Registration and continental breakfast, compliments of Amplify 8:45–9:45 a.m.: Overview: The What, Why, and How of Learning Math Through a Structured Approach to Problem-Solving 10:00–11:00 a.m.: The Impact of Problem-Solving on Teaching and Learning with Activity 11:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.: Three Instructional Shifts Toward Learning Through Problem-Solving 12:00–1:00 p.m.: Networking Lunch, compliments of Amplify and Closing Remarks ATMOPAV SPRING CONFERENCE: Save the date: Saturday, 26 Germantown Academy Upper School PAST EVENTS Saturday, April 20, 2024 - ATMOPAV Spring Conference West Chester University "Growing Our Practice Together" Saturday, September 30, 2023 - PCTM Professional Development Day "Live from the Classroom" Keynote: Ralph Pantozzi - "Meet, Play, Make and Move!" Fall 2019 Conference and Student Math Competition The 2019 ATMOPAV Fall Conference was held on November 9th, 2019 at Springside Chestnut Hill Academy. Two learning sessions bracketed a keynote address by Dr. Eric Milou, Professor of Mathematics at Rowan University. A special thank you to Bob Lochel who organized the student math competition. Spring Fling 2019 - Germantown Academy The Spring Fling was held on May 1 at Germantown Academy. Two of "My Favorites" sessions were followed by an evening of games, puzzles, prizes and tasty Hors D'Oeuvres. A special thanks to Ruth Carver and Bob Lochel for their work in making it a fun afternoon of education, catching up with old friends and making new friends over games and puzzles. Thanks to our prize sponsor! Thirsty Dice 1642 Fairmount Avenue. Philadelphia, 19130 Visit their website and plan your afternoon of games and drinks! https://www.thirstydice.com/ Fall 2018 Conference- Hatboro-Horsham High School The 2018 ATMOPAV fall conference was held October 27th, 2018 at Hatboro-Horsham High School. In addition to many great sessions and workshops, ATMOPAV held their board elections. Congratulations to our new board for 2019: President: Nancy Craft 1st Vice-President: Franci Dempsey 2nd Vice-President: Steve Fuguet Membership Chair: Bob Lochel Treasurer: Mark Wasmansdorf Secretary: Sonya Wasmansdorf ATMOPAV would like to thank Steve Fuguet and Franci Dempsey for organizing the conference, and special thanks to Texas Instruments and Dana Morse for their sponsorship of breakfast. For those who would like to access the files of selected workshops, please visit the link below. 2018 SPEAKER FILES Fall 2017 Conference - Springside Chestnut Hill Academy Thanks to Nancy Craft, Franci Dempsey and the conference team for their amazing work! Many of our speakers have graciously shared their resources. Click the link here to access the files on Dropbox: 2017 SPEAKER FILES Thanks to our breakfast and prize sponsors - FlipGrid and Desmos Spring 2017 Conference and Awards - Germantown Academy AWARDS: ATMOPAV Past President Beth Benzing Outstanding Contribution to ATMOPAV Sonya Wassmansdorf Mabel Elliot Student Teacher Award Eleni Nikolopoulos |